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Jewish Federation of Cincinnati Donors Achieve Milestone in Giving

Cincinnati — The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati professionals and volunteers are celebrating securing $6,000,018 for its annual campaign.

The annual campaign, which is just one part of the organization’s $10M+ fundraising strategy, has not risen above the $6M mark since the onset of the economic crisis in 2008. Like many nonprofits, the rebound has been slow, but steady. According to Giving USA, despite individual giving currently being down 13.4% nationally (adjusted for inflation), the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati successfully conveyed the increased community needs that led to this achievement.

The Federation utilizes a system of volunteers to responsibly allocate the funds amongst its partners with missions to support people in need, build an inclusive Jewish community, and assure a vibrant future.

Fran Coleman, who chaired this year’s successful campaign with her husband Craig, said, “Achieving the stretch goal of $6,000,018 means access to more services and programs for our community.” In addition to the funds raised in this effort, a first-time bonus of $180,000 has been awarded to the community by the Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati.

Danielle V. Minson, the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati CEO, stated, “85% of all funds raised are distributed to programs that support needs within our community, Israel and beyond. As the needs continue to increase, we’re thrilled that this allows us to increase our support of these programs and initiatives.”

Coleman added, “We were motivated to cross the finish line by a great collaborative partnership between dedicated professionals and campaign volunteers.”


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